北村 悠
2001年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2019年から「やまなみ工房」に所属
Born in 2001 / Living in Shiga / At Atelier YAMANAMI since 2019
After graduating from a school for the handicapped and entering the workshop, she was searching for an activity where she could be herself and have fun and be absorbed in, and the activity she chose was painting.
She began by setting up her desk with books on trains, bullet trains, and other railroads that she loved.
After selecting a color from a variety of paints and using a paint roller to fill the paper with paint to create a base, she then used a ballpoint pen to draw countless circles to fill the paper.
She then draws countless circles in ballpoint pen and fills them in. For her, the subject matter seems to be familiar objects, such as the train she always looks at, her family, or people she has been involved with.