
熊田 史康

1992 年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2011年から「やまなみ工房」に所属 幼少の頃より「水」に対してのこだわりが強く、外出時には必ず最初にその場所のトイレを確認し、水洗を流すことが習慣化となっていた。それがいつしか、目的が水のこだわりから「トイレ」への執着へと変化していく。小学校へ入るとはじめはトイレの平面図から描くようになり、10歳を過ぎた頃には段ボールを使いトイレの立体模型を制作する現在のスタイルが確立される。壁の色、便器の配置、鏡やパイプの素材、窓のセロハン紙等、彼はイメージを常に持ち、すべてにおいて妥協はしない。作り上げる過程においては、緊張と興奮の連続で何度も声を荒げ、時にはうまくいかず自分を傷つけることもあるが、完成時の達成感に満ちた表情になる。
born in 1992/ living in Shiga/ at YAMANAMI since 2011 Fumiyasu Kumada has had a strong obsession with water since he was a child. Wherever he went, he had to make sure where the rest rooms were, and he go flush the toilet there. His obsession has gradually shifted from water to restrooms, and started drawing restrooms when he entered elementary school. Past ten year old, he started to make cardboard models of the restrooms. That is when his creative style established itself. Fumiyasu Kumada makes no compromises when it comes to the accuracy of the model- from the color of the walls, the place where the toilet is, to the materials he uses for ‘mirrors’ or ‘pipes’ -everything must be perfect. While working on his models, he often gets quite tense and irritable. He sometimes screams and even hurts himself when things go wrong. However once the model is completed, he regains his calm and looks satisfied with his accomplishment.