
冨士川 義晃

1972年生まれ 滋賀県在住 1989年から「やまなみ工房」に所属 人差し指と親指で陶土を一摘みすると、手の掌で数回こすり合わせ紐状にした後、それを積み重ねてゆく。この行為を何度も何度も繰り返してゆく。積み重なった紐状の粘土は、次第に大きな造形物に形を変えてゆく。それは無作為で、勢いに身をまかせ積み重ねた偶然の産物である。普段は大らかでいつもゆったりとした性格の彼が、制作にむかう時は一変し、思いの丈すべてを作品にぶつけていく。強く陶土を叩いたり、高笑いして満面の笑みを浮べたり。その表情は開放された充実感でいっぱいになる。
born in 1972/ living in Shiga/ at YAMANAMI since 1989 Yoshiaki Fujikawa is usually calm and placid. But when he works on his clay art, his mood changes greatly and he opens up, releasing his energy, pounding on the clay, laughing loudly. His artworks consist of a lot of thin strings of clay, piled up on top of each other. The pile of strings changes into a big object. Yoshiaki Fujikawa seems not to control the result of his work. He just moves his hands according to the flow of his feelings, and chance plays an essential role in his creation.