加賀谷 圭太
1989年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2008年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 本格的に絵画に取り組むようになったのは2015年頃からである 以前は古紙回収業務が中心で、創作活動にもあまり興味を示さなかった彼が、ある時から画材やモチーフが変化したことをきっかけに、活動に楽しみが持てるようになり集中して創作に取り組むようになった。 どの作品にも自動車や昆虫、動物等、モチーフは存在するが、彼はほとんどを目にすることはなく独自の技法でゆっくりと時間をかけ無数の細線を描き重ねていく。 筆圧は弱く繊細で、不規則な描かれた線の重なりは、まるで波状のような紋形を写しだす。
Born in 1989, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2008. It was around 2015 when Kagaya officially started to paint. Until then, his life was mainly centered around collecting recycled paper. He showed very little interest in artwork. However, after being provided with a different set of painting tools and motifs, Kagaya’s interest in art was sparked. Each of his artworks has a certain theme such as a bicycle, an insect or an animal. However, Kagaya never explicitly draws any of these things. Instead, he applies his own technique of drawing a countless number of thin lines to portray his theme, taking his time and overlapping each line. Kagaya’s brush strokes are very gentle and delicate with the overlapping lines creating a wave-like shape.