
小川 翔陽

1999年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2018年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 彼が描く作品は、これまでの生活の中で目にしてきた「看板」や雑誌に書かれていた「文字」を記憶したもの。それは文字だけに留まらず、彼の中で強く印象に残っている「建物」も同じで、記憶したものを紙いっぱいに描いてゆく。 画材も彼なりのこだわりがあり赤色のボールペンやマーカーしか使用しない。 文字の大きさや配列、紙からはみ出すことなくどれも規則正しく描かれており、彼の性格を表している。
Born in 1999, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2018. Ogawa’s artworks are inspired by things he sees in daily life such as advertisements, letters in a magazine, and even buildings that left a strong impression on him. All of his art pieces are purely from memory and are always drawn and colored with a single color, red. He also uses specific utensils which are either a ballpoint pen or a marker. Though simple, Ogawa’s works are stunning as he covers the entire sheet of paper with a dynamic image from his memory. When he draws his letters, Ogawa will sometimes play with their size but will never let them go out of line, almost as if reflecting his tidy personality.