
鎌江 一美

1966年生まれ 滋賀県在住 1985年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 思いを人に伝えるのが苦手な彼女は、コミュニケーションのツールとして振り向いて欲しい人の立体を作り続けている。モデルはすべて思いを寄せる男性。最初に題材を決め、原形を整えると、その表面全てを細かい米粒状の陶土を丹念に埋め込んでいく。完成までに大きな作品では約2か月以上を要する事もあり、無数の粒は作品全体を覆い尽くし様々な形に変化を遂げていく。大好きな人に認めてほしい。今もなお、その思いが彼女の創作に向かう全てである。
born in 1966/ living in Shiga/ at YAMANAMI since 1985 As it is often difficult for Kazumi Kamae to express her feelings with words, she uses her artworks as a way to communicate. She creates clay sculptures of the man she loves. She never represents anyone else. Her art style is unique and elaborate. First, she makes the clay foundation of the statue. Then she rolls up lots of tiny rice-sized clay balls and places them on the surface of the clay foundation. She arranges them for a long time, and it looks as if the countless tiny clay parts were alive, multiplying themselves until they cover the entire sculpture. It takes her sometimes more than two months to finish a piece. The desire to catch the man she loves’ attention is the main, if not unique, source of her creativity,