


1987年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2014年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 彼は立体造形と絵画を主として、その時々気の向くままに同時進行で制作に取り組んでいく。立体作品では、ボール紙やテープを用いてロボットや戦艦、戦闘機を作り、ドアの開閉扉や可動域等、ギミックを用いて完成度を高め、細部にまでこだわり緻密に再現していく。絵画で描くものは城や塔等、建造物が中心で、マーカーを使用し下部から交差する細かな線を上へと積み上げていく。まるで建物が構築されてゆく様を見ているかのようだ。平面でありながら奥行を感じる絵は、彼独自の遠近法で計算され描かれたものである。

born in 1987/ living in Shiga/ atYAMANAMI since 2014 Katsuyoshi Takenaka is capable of working on the several art works of his at a time. He is good at creating something with cardboard and Scotch tape. He is especially an expert in making robots, battle ships, and fighter planes. The structures of his works are elaborate. He goes into details and makes small parts, like doors or other various moving elements. He also likes to draw buildings such as castles and towers with markers. The way he draws thin lines which is crossing each other and gradually going up on the drawing paper is just as if he were actually building a huge structure in the real, three‐dimensional world. Katsuyoshi Takenaka has his own sense of perspective that make his drawing unique.

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