
岡元 俊雄

1978年生まれ 滋賀県在住 1996年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 トラックが大好きな彼が、ある時からドライブ中に見た車を絵や陶土で表現するようになった。現在ではトラックに限らず、人物や風景画等、雑誌や画集をモチーフに墨汁と割り箸1本のみを使用して次々に作品を生み出してゆく。モチーフ全体を見ながら素早く筆を走らせ全体像を描き上げると、描いた線上を流れに添って何度も何度も塗り重ねる。飛び散った墨汁の滴や擦れ合わさった線が絵に躍動感をあたえていく。いつも、ひとりお気に入りの音楽を聴きながら、寝転がり肩肘付いて描く様が、彼のスタイルである。
born in 1978/ living in Shiga/ at YAMANAMI since 1996 Toshiharu Okamoto’s first source of creativity was his love for trucks. He loved trucks so much that he began drawing pictures or making clay figures of them. Recently, he started to diversify his subjects, drawing people or landscapes that inspired him, from magazines or picture books. His drawing style is unique― he uses a chopstic and Chinese ink, listening to his favorite music and lying down on the floor with one of his arms under his head. First he draws a big rough sketch quickly. And then he adds one line to another, following the course of the privious lines. The several overlapping lines and spattered black ink of his pictures give you a strong impression.