
吉川 秀昭

1970 年生まれ 滋賀県在住 1988 年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 一見抽象模様のように見える点の集合体は、数え切れないほどの『顔』である。支持体が紙であろうが、陶土であろうが変わらない。無数の点は、彼独自の法則に従い、ある一定の間隔を保ちながら「目、目、鼻、口」の順に丁寧に点を刻んでいく。支持体から10㎝ほどまで顔を近づけ制作をする。周囲のものが目を凝らして見ても構成を捉えられないほどの細かさであり、誰もが数秒で描きあげる人の顔を、何日もかけ、ゆっくりゆっくりと確かめるように描き続けていく。
born in 1970/ living in Shiga/ at YAMANAMI since 1988 At first glance, Hideaki Yoshikawa’s artworks, composed of countless dots, seem abstract. Look closely, however, and you notice that they are not ‘dots’, but in fact they are all small ‘faces’. Hideki Yoshikawa keeps his own creating style even when the material he uses changes. He makes it a rule to put ‘two eyes, a nose, and a mouth’ on each face, even when the faces are incredibly small. Whenever he is at work on his art, he puts his face to it as close as possible to it. And he creates every tiny face with extraordinary care, taking a long time for each. The faces he draws or creates in his artworks are so small and meticulous that people have to look closely at them if they want to grasp their features.