
林口 勲

1967年生まれ 滋賀県在住 1986年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 全紙一枚を約半年かけて描き上げる。画用紙に墨で大きく人の顔を描き、その上から色鉛筆で様々な色を使い小さな丸で模様を付けていく。幾重にも塗り重なった丸は、徐々に広がりが生まれいく。スポーツ観戦が好きな彼は野球選手の名前の一文字を画用紙に何度も何度も書き重ねていく。幾重にも連なった無数の文字は、試合さながらの躍動感に満ちた力強さを感じさせる。家族、仲間はもちろん、来客者、野球選手、決まって作り上げる作品は彼の大好きな「人」。これからもまた出会いの数だけ作品も創作意欲も増していく。
born in 1967/ living in Shiga/ at YAMANAMI since 1986 It takes Isao Hayashiguchi six months to finish a 76.7cm x 108.7cm drawing. First, he draws large faces of people with a brush and Chinese ink. Then he traces a lot of tiny circles with color pencils. One colored circle is added to another, and these layers of circles spread on the paper. Isao Hayashiguchi is also a baseball fan, so he writes one Chinese character of his favorite baseball player’s name over and over again. The multiple layers of the Chinese characters are just as lively and energetic as a baseball game. He also draws members of his family, friends, guests, and baseball players. He only draws people that he loves.