
木村 圭吾

1997年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2016年から「やまなみ工房」に所属 彼が大好きな電車を描き始めたのは7歳の時。その思いは現在も変わりなく描き、時には陶土、木材を使用する等、様々な形で電車を表現している。 以前は一車両ずつ描き、テープを使用し切り貼りし、一つの電車を完成させる手法を行っていたが、現在は長い障子紙の一面を使い、好む電車を描き埋めていく。先頭部から後方部、車両番号、連結部分、細かい所まで表現され、電車のイメージを常に持つ彼は、車両全体の角の丸みや角度にもすべてにおいて妥協はしない。自身が納得する形になるまで何度も描き直し、わずかな色の違いにも拘り、より実物に近づけられる様に描いている。
Born in 1997, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2016. Kimura started drawing trains, his greatest passion, when he was 7 years old and his love for them has never dwindled and to this day. Kimura has continued creating trains, sometimes using pot clay, wood and various other materials to represent them. Although the subject of Kimura’s artwork has never changed, the style of his projects has transformed over the years. For example, Kimura used to draw each train car separately, then cut them out and piece them together using tape to create a whole train. Currently, Kimura has switched to filling an entire sheet of long ‘shoji’ paper, often used for traditional sliding doors in Japanese homes, with the drawings of trains. The amount of detail Kimura includes in his artwork is astounding. He meticulously numbers each train car, adds fine details to the train couplers and edges of the train, all so that they mimic what they look like in real life. Kimura throws himself into his projects until he gets every detail right, reworking the colors and getting his train to look like as life-like as possible.