川中 琴樹
1996年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2015年より「やまなみ工房」に所属 人と関わる事が大好きな彼女は、いつも言葉遊びをしたり、冗談を言い合ったりいたずらしたり、日々笑顔が絶えない。 彼女の創作活動もその延長線上にある。絵具を画用紙に落とす、ビー玉を転がす、筆で書きなぐる。 それは、上手い絵を描くためではなく、それをする事で周囲がどのような反応をするか楽しむいたずらの一種なのかもしれない。まわりが楽しめば楽しむほど彼女の創作意欲も増していく。 完成する作品は彼女の笑顔のような優しさの中にも力強さがあるとても不思議なものが生み出されてゆく。
Born in 1996, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2015. Gifted with a lively personality and a love for interacting with people, Kawanaka’s days are filled with smiles and laughs as she entertains others with jokes and fun conversations. Kawanaka pursues art as an extension of her cheerfulness. She creates her pieces using interesting methods such as dripping paint, rolling marbles, or scrawling her paint brush across the canvas, depending on her mood. Kawanaka does not just sit in front of the canvas to create good art. It almost seems as if she pursues art as a way to surprise others with her unique methods to get a reaction out of it. The more attention and appreciation she receives from her audience the more it motivates Kawanaka to create art. Her finished pieces are very expressive as they all emit the warmth and gentleness of Kawanaka’s smile.