
萱原 朗永


1962年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2007年からやまなみ工房に所属 彼の生活にはすべて一連の流れが定められており、日々ルーティンをこなすことで安定した日常が送れ、その行動の一つひとつが彼の安心感に繋がる。 移動順序や座席位置、立ち振る舞う仕草等、ほとんどくるう事なく同じ日常が繰り返される。 作品制作も同様、当初は人物や植物等、具象的な絵を描くこともあった作業は歳月を経て簡略化され、1日に数個の円をゆっくり時間かけ描く事がルーティンをこなす上でのひとつの行為となった。 円を描くまでにも色の選択に描き出すタイミング、描き終えた後筆を置くまでの工程も規則的で一定の流れが確立されている。 こちらの問いかけにも、穏やかな笑みを浮かべながら手を挙げ応えてくれる様は、満たされた日常が送くれている事への証なのであろう。

Born in 1962, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2007. Kayahara has a routine he follows every day. The order in which he migrates from place to place, where he sits and many other behaviors have almost never changed. Kayahara pursues these routines to keep his day-to-day life stable, providing him with a feeling of security. To Kayahara, art is also therapeutic and takes shape in the circles he draws daily. Every step is meticulously consistent; the process of selecting his colors before he starts drawing, the timing of when he starts to draw and when he puts down his tools after he finishes. All of these steps are important routines that are followed with precision. Kayahara’s early artwork consisted of human figures, plants and other things; however, as time passed, those representations were simplified to what are now circles, sometimes overlapping and sometimes distinctive. The warm smile and feedback Kayahara gives to the staff is a clear sign that he is living each day with happiness and satisfaction.

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