
勝間 陽介

1991年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2010年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 彼の創作スタイルは、自分の手のひらや指に直接絵具を付けて画用紙に無造作にこすりつけるように描き、筆やハケ、ペン等を使用し様々技法を用いて描く。 彼の創作活動は、手が絵具等で汚れると洋服や紙等でその手を拭く行為から始まった。 職員との言葉遊びややりとりをしながら喜びや楽しい気持ちを作品に込めて、時に力強く、時に繊細に気の向くまま描く。彼の楽しそうな満面の笑顔を見たさに、今日も職員と一緒に彼は画用紙に向かう。
Born in 1991, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2010. Katsuma is an adventurous artist with a golden smile who applies various painting techniques to his artwork. He usually starts by applying paint on his fingertips and aimlessly traces them across the sheet of paper. He then switches to using utensils such as a brush or a pen and lets his imagination take control. Katsuma started painting as an extension of his habit of wiping his hands on his shirt or paper whenever they got dirty with things like paint. He has fun while he paints, telling jokes and laughing with the staff, and includes all those joyful moments in his piece. Katsuma’s work depends entirely on what he is feeling at the moment can sometimes be strong and sometimes delicate.