


1982年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2000年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 自ら選んだ色の絵の具で描かれる線描のモチーフは判別が難しいが、彼女の中ではパターンをなしており右腕をダイナミックに動かし描いていく。作品の題名はすべて「とり」。 職員とのコミュニケーションを楽しみにする創作時間は、時折大きな声で笑っては手を動かし、彼女の満足感が絵画として生まれいく。彼女の独特な色彩感覚や流れるように描かれる線は躍動感に満ちている。

Born in 1982, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2000. It is not easy to express what her paintings represent; however, to Ichiki, each dynamic line and curve painted onto her canvas, using her entire right arm, is a unique pattern. All of her paintings are titled ‘Tori’, meaning bird. She enjoys interacting with the facility’s staff when she paints and can sometimes be seen bursting into a huge, cheerful laughs. Ichiki’s creations are filled with vibrant, powerful lines and painted with an eccentric sense of color, reflecting the feelings of satisfaction she experiences during the painting process.

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