
井野 友貴


1996年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2015年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 彼は必ず画用紙の左上から順に形を描いていく。ひとつひとつの「形」はまず複数のピースが重なり合うかのように輪郭が描かれ、次に色に持ち替え中が一面ずつ着色されていく。一連の動作を繰り返し、一つの「形」が出来上がると再び輪郭を描き、色を塗り、それらが徐々に列を成していく。 一見何の意味もない図形の繰り返しの様にも見えるが、時に目が描かれたり、手足や角、長い耳のような突起が現れたり、傍に大きなモチーフが描かれたりと、その表情は様々だ。 ゲームのキャラクターや食べ物、建造物等、生活する上で好きなものや見たもの体験した事がそのまま作品に反映されている。

Born in 1996, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2015. Ino always starts from the upper left corner of the paper, drawing interesting objects. Each object looks like a combination or an overlap of several different shapes that have been painted in Ino’s choice of colors. These objects are drawn either side-by-side or slightly apart from one another forming a line that does not seem to resemble anything. However, Ino would sometimes add details like eyes, hands or feet, or something that looks like a pointy ear to his artwork. He may also draw a huge motif on the side depending on his mood, expressing a wide range of emotions through his artwork. Ino’s artwork is a fascinating reflection of everything he likes or sees in everyday life such as game characters, food and buildings.

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