
井村 ももか


1995年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2013年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 彼女はある日を境に布にボタンを縫い付ける行為に夢中になった。 朝出勤すると自身で棚から好きな色の布を見つけ、一面にボタンを縫い付け終わると丸めて球状に縫い留める。そして更に一回り大きな布にまたボタンを縫い付けては包むことを繰り返し、たくさんの布とボタンの層で出来た「ボタンの玉」は重みを増していく。ピンクの玉、赤い玉、藍色の玉…ひとつのボタンの玉は様々な色形を経て完成形となる。自身の作品に対する愛着は深く、撫でたり、眺めたり、ときに頭に載せて、バランスを取りながら朗らかに歌い歩く。

born in 1995/ living in Shiga/ at YAMANAMI since 2013 Momoka Imura is an artist who is devoted to sewing buttons. As soon as she arrives at the Atelier in the morning, she chooses the cloth she likes, and sews all kinds of buttons all over it. After that, she rolls up the cloth and makes a ball with. And then she picks up another cloth that she covers with buttons as well, and wraps the first one with it. By repeating this process and after changing the color of the ‘ball’ several times, her masterpiece is finished. She is deeply attached to her artworks. She expresses her fondness for them by stroking them and gazing at them. And sometimes she puts one of the ‘ball’s on her head and walks around, singing cheerfully.

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