
Art Brut from Japan, Another Look
Collection de l’Art Brut

オープニング : Thursday 29 november 2018, 6:30pm
会場 : Collection de l’Art Brut
11, av. des Bergières CH – 1004 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 315 25 70 Fax +41 21 315 25 71
Art Brut from Japan, Another Look features works by twenty-four Art Brut creators who are working in Japan today. It comes as a follow-up to Art Brut from Japan, the first-ever exhibition of this kind of art outside Japan, which was presented at the Collection de l’Art Brut in 2008. Since then, the impact and influence of that groundbreaking exhibition have been considerable, and Art Brut from Japan has been shown at art centers, museums, galleries, and art fairs in Europe and North America, as well as in notable exhibitions within Japan.
As the phenomenon of Art Brut has become better known within Japan, the works of local creators have gained media attention there, but misunderstandings about the history and nature of this kind of art also have emerged among the general public. At the same time, because very little market infrastructure exists in Japan for the sale and distribution of works made by Japanese creators of Art Brut, direct access to this kind of art has been limited. Art lovers outside Japan have found it difficult to acquire their works.
Making such remarkable creations enticingly available again, the exhibition Art Brut from Japan, Another Look showcases a wide variety of works in different media by Japanese creators, including paintings, drawings, ceramic sculptures, mixed-media assemblages, and more. These artworks will be shown in a European museum for the very first time. As this new exhibition demonstrates, genuine Art Brut from Japan is being produced today by a wide range of individuals, young and old, urban and rural. What their creations have in common is that they are all produced on the margins of mainstream society and culture, even if they sometimes reflect subjects or influences from popular culture and the mainstream.
Curated by Edward M. Gómez, a specialist in Japanese art and culture, and the senior editor of Raw Vision, the international magazine about Art Brut and Outsider Art, Art Brut from Japan, Another Look brings our understanding of contemporary Japanese creators in this field up to date. As Gómez observes in the exhibition’s bilingual, French-and-English catalog, this revealing exhibition “draws upon a deeper understanding of the particular social and historical conditions, and of the critical context […] in which Japanese Art Brut creators have produced their works.” This exhibition, he notes, has emerged out of all-new, independent relationships developed by the Collection de l’Art Brut with institutions, artists, collectors, and other sources both within and outside Japan. As Sarah Lombardi, the museum’s director, also points out in the catalog, Art Brut from Japan, Another Look “broadens our vision of Japan’s culture by introducing us to works that are at once sophisticated, amusing, powerful, inventive, and dissident.”
Curator: Edward M. Gómez, in collaboration with Sarah Lombardi
出展作家 : 井村ももか/岡元俊雄/鎌江一美/竹中克佳/田村拓也/山﨑菜那