
山本 愛

1985年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2004年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 今年になり彼女は、夢中になれる事を見つけた。やまなみへ来るといつも職員に手をこすり合わせて陶土がしたい事と教えてくれる。彼女のモチーフはすべて身近にいる仲間や職員。丸く平らにした粘土に目と鼻と口を付ける。そして微量の陶土を取り、掌でこすり合わせた無数の粘土を一つ一つ丁寧に植え付け、髪の毛を表現していく。それは顔全体を覆い尽くし様々な形となり変化を遂げる。
born in 1985/ living in Shiga/ at YAMANAMI since 2004 Ai Yamamoto recently found what she really could put her heart into; clay art. As soon as she arrives at YAMANAMI, she tells the staff that she needs some clay, rubbing her hands together. She makes statues of her fellow artists at YAMANAMI and of the staff members. First, she makes round flat base, which becomes a face, and then puts eyes, a nose, and a mouth on it. At the final stage of her creation, she makes numerous thin strings of clay, and carefully places them on the face to represent the hair. It is usually so thick that it covers the entire face.