
中川 ももこ

1996年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2015年から「やまなみ工房」に所属 「ももこ」。自分の名前を、何度も何度も繰り返し書き綴る。幾重にも書き重ねられた文字の線は、絡み合いながら文字の原型を留める事なく、まるで絵画のような作品へと変化を遂げる。活動当初は刺繍の作業に取り組みいくつかの作品を制作する。もともと行う彼女の反復行為を活かし、無理なく集中して活動に取り組めることを目的に刺繍制作を行うようになるが、次第に興味は文字を書くことへ移行していった。使用する画材はカラーマーカーペンやペン等様々で、道具へのこだわりはほとんどなく、ただ書き重ね変化していく文字や筆の音、手に伝わる感触を楽しむかのように、止むことなく描き続けていく。
Born in 1996, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2014. One would never believe that Nakagawa’s projects all started with her first name, Momoko, written in Japanese characters. In all of her works, Nakagawa keeps writing her name, layering it until the three characters are no longer recognizable and the work has turned into something spectacular. Nakagawa’s early artworks were embroideries where she was able to channel her repetitious behaviors into something productive, without having to force herself into concentrating on something. However, her interests gradually shifted toward writing letters and has led Nakagawa to where she is now. Nakagawa is not picky with her tools and uses anything from colored markers to pens. Her main focus is on writing her name again and again and enjoying every little detail that comes with the process; from the gentle sound of the pen to the feeling of the pen gliding across the paper.