
關 文滋

1986年生まれ 兵庫県在住 2017年からやまなみ工房に所属 神戸にある福祉事業所へ通所しながら下請作業等に取り組む彼が、毎週1日を楽しみのひとつとして工房に通い創作活動に参加する。 どこか規則性があるかのように感じられる彼の作品は、一枚の白い画用紙にマーカーペンでいくつもの点を不規則に重ねて描いていく。ペン先が潰れてしまうほどペンを強く押し当て、先端から出てくる少量のインクが滲む感触を味わい、時折、リズムよく体を揺らしながら笑顔で制作に取り組む。そのペースはとてもゆっくりで、一日の制作時間は40分程度、作品一枚を仕上げるのに一年を要する。 どうような環境下においても影響を受ける事はほとんどなく、ぶれず一心不乱に創作に取り組む彼は安定感のある風格を漂わせる。
Born in 1986, residing in Hyogo Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2017. Working mainly at a welfare center for people with disabilities located in Kobe, Seki comes to ATELIER YAMANAMI once a week to participate in our activities. Despite the long trip, traveling to ATELIER YAMANAMI has become Seki’s favorite routine where he is able to indulge in his artwork. Using a variety of colored markers, Seki fills an entire sheet of construction paper with dots. The arrangement of the dots may seem random during the process; however, a pattern starts to show once the piece is complete. Seki enjoys watching the ink ooze from the tip of his marker by pressing it hard against the paper. At times, he even sways rhythmically and smiles as he works on his piece. Since Seki only spends about 40 minutes on his project, it may take him about a year to finish a single artwork. Seki’s work is never impacted by the environment. He remains focused and centered around his project, setting the atmosphere with an unwavering steadiness.