
服部 大将


2000年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2022年から「やまなみ工房」に所属
貼り絵教室を営む祖母の影響を受け、幼少の頃からいつも身近なところに創作活動があった。それは今も彼に受け継がれており、作品の多くには絵の背景に切紙を貼り付ける手法が用いられている。 図鑑や画集等からモチーフとなる素材を選ぶとマーカーペンで下描きをした後、色鉛筆で 丁寧に塗り込んでいく。背景に使用する切紙は英文が印刷された包装紙や新聞等を好んで使用し、彼の作品へのこだわりを垣間見ることができる。

Born in 2000 / Living in Shiga / At Atelier YAMANAMI since 2022
Influenced by his grandmother who ran a papier-mâché class, his creative activities have always been close at hand since he was a child. This has been passed down to him even today, and many of his works use the technique of pasting cut paper as backgrounds for his paintings. After selecting a motif from an illustrated book or an art book, he draws a rough sketch with a marker pen and then carefully paints in the motif with colored pencils. The paper is then carefully painted in with colored pencils. He prefers to use wrapping paper or newspapers with English text printed on them for the background, which shows his commitment to his artwork.

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