
鳥山 シュウ


2002生まれ 滋賀県在住 2023年から「やまなみ工房」に所属
大好きなアニメやゲームのキャラクターを模写する事から絵を描く楽しみを持った少年期から、彼の世界観は更なる広がりを見せるようになった。 細やかで緻密な線の集合体で描かれた動物や風景、妖怪やモンスターのような生き物が 楽し気に生活される街並み等、彼の頭の中のイメージそのままが絵に映し出されている。 絵を描く事で人とつながりが生まれ、夢を実現させるための活力であると、彼の創作への意欲は絶える事はない。

Born in 2002 / Living in Shiga / At Atelier YAMANAMI since 2023
Since his boyhood, when he first began to enjoy drawing by copying his favorite anime and video game characters, his worldview has expanded even further. His worldview has since expanded to include animals, landscapes, monsters, and other creatures drawn with a collection of fine, precise lines. The images in his mind are reflected in his paintings, such as animals and landscapes drawn with a collection of fine, detailed lines, and cityscapes where creatures such as monsters and ghosts live happily. He says that drawing connects him with people and gives him the energy to make his dreams come true, and his enthusiasm for creation never ceases.

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