
川越 壮真


1994年生まれ 滋賀県在住
絵を描く事で得た評価が本人の自信へとつながり、創作活動を行う原動力となる。 色鮮やかにステンドグラスのような色彩で描く抽象画のようなものもあれば、自分の記憶の中にあるたくさんのキャラクターや生き物、ロゴマークや漢字等を、規則的に羅列した作品等、手法も様々であるが、どの作品においても見る側を意識して描かれており「芸術家になること」が目標である彼の強い思いが込められている。

Born in 1994/ Living in Shiga/ At Atelier YAMANAMI since 2022
The recognition he has received for his paintings has given him confidence, and is the driving force behind his creative works. Some of his works are abstract paintings with vivid stained-glass-like colors, while others are paintings of characters, creatures, logos, Chinese characters, etc., which he remembers from his own memory and regularly lists them. His works are all painted with the viewer in mind, and they reflect his strong desire to "become an artist".

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